We were not meant to do life alone. Our Middle School and High School Ministries are great places to help students connect personally with God, go deeper in relationships with one another, and have fun in the process.
Our Youth ministry exists to unleash love to every student we meet by creating a place to belong, providing a group to grow with, and learning how to live the Love the ‘Ville lifestyle.
Middle School – Youth 6/8
Sundays |11:00am
Wednesdays | 7:00pm – 8:30pm (through the school year)
Doors open at 6:30 PM, Service at 7:00 PM, Pick-up at 8:30 PM
High School – Youth 9/12
Sundays | 11:00am Service
The youth own the front! We have a place for high schoolers to lead the way in worship as we gather together in the main auditorium towards the front right section during the 11:00 AM service . Come worship with other high schoolers, leaders, and staff in the Student Section every Sunday as we lead the way every weekend.
Wednesdays | 7:00 – 8:30pm
Doors open at 6:30 PM, Service at 7:00 PM, Pick-up at 8:30 PM

It’s Not Youth Without You.
It’s Not Youth Without You.
It’s Not Youth Without You.
It’s Not Youth Without You.
It’s Not Youth Without You.
Middle School and High School

We believe that Saved People, Serve People! We want to see teenagers being called up into their gifts and abilities that God has given them and to be people who serve our church and our city well. Find a place to serve!