It’s possible for a church to have everything and yet cease to be a church if they lose this one thing.
This week we studied the church of Ephesus to find out exactly why Jesus threatened to snuff out this Bible-believing, world-famous, mega church with the greatest genealogy of leaders in the history of Christianity.
What does a healthy strategy look like for parents who want to develop healthy kids? This week we look at the power of relationships, love, rules, and discipline in the home.
The religious landscape in the USA has completed changed. Our kids are faced with more faith diversity than we ever were. So how do you raise your kids to follow Jesus in a world that doesn’t? Check out this week’s sermon to get our take on this current hot topic.
FACT: You are raising your kids in a world you weren’t. So…FACT: You cannot raise your kids the way you were.
As parents, we have to bridge the generational gap. Today we look at two questions the best parents ask to do that