The stories we believe make and break our lives because they give us our answers to the big questions and realities of human life. What…
The stories we believe make and break our lives because they give us our answers to the big questions and realities of human life. What…
“Is it okay to question God? Is it okay to tell him what I’m really thinking?” The Bible gives us many examples of real people…
If your deepest beliefs are driven and formed by vengeance, a desire or longing to be in control of your own life, or by fear…
Why would God cause a pandemic? If God is all-good and all-powerful, why is this happening? Key Verses: 1 John 4:8-10
Two of the most compelling forces in life are love and science. Today we discuss how (Love + Science) makes sense of it all. You need both.
Can science and faith exist in the same universe? Where is the common ground?
Last week we discussed what faith is and how it fits into this debate. This week we are going to discuss what science is and how it fits.
The religious landscape in the USA has completed changed. Our kids are faced with more faith diversity than we ever were. So how do you raise your kids to follow Jesus in a world that doesn’t? Check out this week’s sermon to get our take on this current hot topic.
The cross was the end of Jesus’ love story. The empty tomb was the beginning of ours. Today we celebrate the greatest story ever told.
During week one we pray for belief this Christmas season.