We’ve all heard the adage, “It’s easy to overestimate what you can accomplish in one year, and even easier to underestimate what you can do…

Every day, countless voices compete for your attention. How will you make sure your ears, heart, mind, and soul are open to what God needs…

If you live under the authority of God’s word, our culture will cancel you eventually. Download the BINGO card

Abraham. Moses. Joshua. David. Daniel. All of these people and more were heroic in the Hebrew Scriptures. But you have even more potential than them.

If it was possible, most people would love to hear God speak… into their tragic moments, into their big decisions, into their daily life. We…

Screen media has shaped our brains to only process “Three S” content: 1. Shocking. 2. Short. 3. Shallow Here’s the problem. The most important things…