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Lent: Death Became Victory

Lent: Death Became Victory | Week 6

By April 10, 2022September 29th, 2023No Comments

Speaker: Tyler McKenzie

Lent: What to Expect

For the next seven weeks leading up to Easter, we’re looking back, remembering our sin that led to death.

On Good Friday, we’ll gather to lament Jesus’ crucifixion. On Easter Sunday, we’ll gather to celebrate the victory of Jesus, rejoicing in the new life he gives to all who follow him.

Each week, you’ll be invited to participate in:

  • Reading a devotion from one of our staff members about the work of Jesus.
  • A few questions for reflection

If you commit to engaging in this season of Lent with us, it’s our prayer that you’ll approach Easter with confidence and joy, ready to worship our God who is alive.

This resource can be used for your individual growth, but we encourage you to use it in community with others. Walk through the weekly reflections with your small group, or use the reflection section for weekly accountability with a close friend.

Week 6 Devotional:

By Tomara Brown


The Grave Has No Claim On Me

1 Corinthians 15:57

“He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

“Victory in Jesus” is a hymn I remember singing on many occasions at Concord Missionary Baptist Church, my home church in Western Kentucky. This song lifted my family up and encouraged us to keep going as we watched my dad face pancreatic cancer. My pastor, Bro. Carl Boyd, and his wife Suzanne taught me that victory over death was possible through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This hymn was so important that my dad, before he entered glory, expressed his desire for “Victory in Jesus” to be engraved on his tombstone. My dad had confidence in the phrase “then I repented of my sins and won the victory.” And in his suffering, he rejoiced that “some sweet day I’ll sing up there the song of victory.”

Greater than water into wine, wider than feeding 5,000, more hopeful than healing lepers, is the revelation that because of Jesus’ work on the cross, the grave has no claim on you and me.

If your struggles seem overwhelming today, I pray these five simple steps will help you find victory in Jesus.

  1. Quit relying on your own strength. Realize that the only way to experiencing lasting victory is through the power of the Holy Spirit and reliance upon what Jesus accomplished on the cross.

2. Cry out to God.  Repent and ask God to forgive you and deliver you. Turn away from your sins and bondage and run into the arms of your loving Savior -Jesus.

3. Be accountable. Surround yourself with solid believers to lean on for prayer and support during your time of struggle and temptation.

4. Passionately pursue Jesus. Commit yourself to spending daily time with him. Press into the word of God.

5. Fight the good fight.  The Bible says there’s a fierce spiritual battle for your soul (Ephesians 6:10-18.) You must stand in the victory of Jesus.


Questions for Reflection:

  • Do you believe that there is victory in Jesus no matter your circumstance?  Why?
  • How has God delivered you from your struggles and sin?
  • What declaration can you make today to help you stand firm in Christ and overcome your struggle?