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Unhurried Rhythms Series


By February 20, 2022September 29th, 2023No Comments

Speaker: Jon Lee

Week Eight Devotional

By Joey Keck

Matthew 26:26-28

26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”

27 Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. 28 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

There is something powerful about sharing a meal with others. 

The early Christians seem to understand this, and they ate together all the time. Folks who didn’t understand often referred to these meals as a “love feast” because all were welcome to come and join. It was a gathering full of love and hospitality. It really can be considered a theological practice. Janice Price of the Church of England World Mission Panel says,

“Hospitality, as the mutual indwelling one with another, becomes the modus operandi of mission as those in common participation in the life and mission of God meet and receive from each other…Hospitality is an attitude of the heart which is about openness to the other…This mirrors the hospitality of the Trinity as God chooses to open himself to the other through the Incarnation and to subject himself to the created order…It is about a generous acknowledgement and meeting of common humanity as well as meeting the needs of humanity, emotional, spiritual, and physical, with generosity.  As such it mirrors the activity of God towards creation.”

Every Sunday that we come together, we are extended an invitation to gather around the Lord’s table. We’re invited to share in a meal which we often refer to as Communion, but just the same, the Lord’s supper. Jesus has invited us to come and sit at his table and participate in a meal of bread and juice to remember what he has done for us. It is a meal to celebrate the grace Jesus gives us. It is a meal to remember the hope we have through him. It is a meal to remind us that all are welcome in the family of God; that we are not only enjoying fellowship with Jesus, but with others who are participating as well. It is a meal that every time we participate, we are proclaiming Jesus’s death and resurrection until he comes.

Remember, every time we take the Lord’s supper, despite our sinfulness, because of what Jesus did for us, we are eating a meal to remember we are a part of his family. There is something very powerful in a meal- especially when Jesus himself has extended the invitation.


Reflect: If you’re with a group, discuss these questions together.

  1. Have you ever thought about communion being a meal to remember Jesus?

  2. In what ways does this idea change your perspective about the Lord’s supper?

  3. What does it mean to proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes? (I Cor. 11:26)

  4. According to Luke 7:34, the Son of Man came to serve, seek and save the lost, and to (Fill in the blank)?

Creating a Rhythm of the Lord’s Supper:

  1. One of the things Jesus does in the Lord’s supper is invite us into his space. In other words, he shows us hospitality. This week, who could you invite into your home and share a meal with?
  2. According to Paul, when we take the Lord’s supper we are proclaiming we believe Jesus died and rose again for us. We are proclaiming publicly that we follow Jesus. Is there an area in your life you need to surrender over to Jesus? If so, what action steps will you do this week to create new habits so that you begin to change your old behavior?