Today we talk more about the dissolution of community in our culture and why everyone is starving for connection.
Today we talk more about the dissolution of community in our culture and why everyone is starving for connection.
Today Tyler preaches on what it looks like to be the #LoveTheVille church and how servanthood can change your life!
Generosity is one of the keys to purpose and happiness in life. But while all of us give, few of us are generous.
There are two simple principles that could make anyone generous overnight. And who doesn’t want to be more generous?
This week guest speaker Alli Worthington wrapped up our last sermon during the Not Like Me Season 2 summer series. During her sermon, Alli provides us with tools and perspective on how to grow and nurture our relationships with non-Christians. She reminds us that "there’s nothing better than Jesus," so we have to walk the talk in order to earn the right to be heard.
Your political differences are not something to fight about, but something to utilize so that we can bring about the will of God in our community.
In the first of the three week sermon series "Not Like Me," Tyler challenges women and men to ask two questions: "How should men treat women?" and "How should women treat men?"
We challenge you to take the temperature of your heart. Is it tired? Bob asks four honest questions to help you determine if your heart is spiritually tired and gives us tools and practices to help revive a tired heart.