The Church in America has a reputation problem. When people hear the word “church”, especially those outside the church, what they think next usually isn’t…
The Church in America has a reputation problem. When people hear the word “church”, especially those outside the church, what they think next usually isn’t…
Online Campus Pastor, Adrienne Feldmann, join us this weekend as we wrapped up our Quiet sermon series. Prayer enhances the things we do do to…
Abraham. Moses. Joshua. David. Daniel. All of these people and more were heroic in the Hebrew Scriptures. But you have even more potential than them.
If it was possible, most people would love to hear God speak… into their tragic moments, into their big decisions, into their daily life. We…
Screen media has shaped our brains to only process “Three S” content: 1. Shocking. 2. Short. 3. Shallow Here’s the problem. The most important things…
Teaching team pastor Alli Worthington joins us this weekend as we close out our Give Save Live series on generosity. We’ll be looking at the…
Was Jesus a socialist? How do I get out of financial trouble? What does God think of debt? When it comes to saving, how much…
Why would I ever worry about all I need when I know all I have in Christ? As we begin a new series, this week…
How do I build character with these warring desires in my heart? This week we conclude our series Second Nature by learning the anatomy of…
There is no such thing as an unimportant decision because decisions become dispositions over time. In this message, we discuss how you can leverage this…