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Tyler continues in our series “A Journey Into Captivity – A Study of Galatians” focusing on Justification.

Are you living in an awareness of God’s grace?

We are all guilty of sin and deserving of punishment. We try to justify ourselves but find that we can’t. But we have been justified through faith in Christ. And through faith, Jesus’ perfect righteousness is credited to us. What’s true of Jesus (his crucifixion and resurrection) becomes true of us. Salvation is received, not achieved. We don’t have to prove we’re not bad… we’ve been pardoned. We don’t have to prove we’re special… we’ve been declared righteous. We don’t need to earn peer affirmation… we’ve been given a family.

It’s all GRACE!

We know that a person is justified not by the works of law but through faith in Jesus Christ. – Galatians 2:16